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2024 Convention
Keynote Speakers
Skip Jankoski (36:54)
Breakout Sessions
Brandon Adams - Understanding FIFRA compliant ads (46:50)
Vlad Mkrytumyan - unlock 10x more remediation jobs through social media referral strategies (41:50)
Sammy James - The AI assistant that books your leads when you can't (52:48)
Michael Aughney - Managing licenses remotely (39:57)
Isabella Meadows - Influental Communication (40:07)
Greg Taylor and Brian Flaherty - Bang for your buck marketing (46:55)
Doug Hoffman - NORMI Pro (47:58)
Chris Crosby - Turning customers into your biggest fans (44:43)
Innovations Announcements (36:34)
Michael Aughney - Managing licenses remotely
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